my system doesn't boot correctly. it keeps hanging because checkroot
complains not being able to check the root fs.

when I mount / readonly by hand:

# mount | grep hda3
/dev/hda3 on / type reiserfs (rw,noatime,notail)

/ is mounted readwrite.

# mount -o remount,ro /

I mount it readonly.

# mount | grep hda3
/dev/hda3 on / type reiserfs (rw,noatime,notail)

Why tells mount / is still mounted rw?

# touch /test
touch: cannot touch /test: Read-only file system

So it is really mounted readonly. But fsck thinks different:

# fsck -C -a -f /
fsck 1.34 (25-Jul-2003)
Reiserfs super block in block 16 on 0x303 of format 3.6 with standard journal
Blocks (total/free): 257040/227239 by 4096 bytes
Filesystem is cleanly umounted
Partition /dev/hda3 is mounted with write permissions, cannot check it

# mount -o remount,rw /
# touch /test

everything works execpt mount displays wrong information and it seems that fsck relies on mount's output...

any hints?

thx, christoph

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