On Wed, January 12, 2005 21:50, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. said:
> On Wednesday 12 January 2005 04:12 am, "Charlie Gehlin"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I disagree, when dealing with a ~x86-package it might have
>> deep-dependencies that is also in ~x86.
> Better to be informed about what unstable packages are being installed
> than
> accept them automatically with any other (possibly stable) dependencies.

I don't do stable x86, I do ~x86 and ~sparc, so I don't really care if I
got unstable packages. Anyway, in this case when we're about to be
constructive regarding user help: wy are we even having this discussion in
this thread? Start a new one if you have general recommendations, this
thread is about getting a ipw2200 to work, right?

> So, use package.keywords.
> Also, environment variables from the command line are easily forgotten (or
> may be contradictory) so are not easily used with an emerge -uD --newuse
> world.  Once you've used environement variables on the command line, this
> might downgrade packages or remove use flags in breaking ways.  To keep
> the system maintained you have to edit the package.{use,keywords} files
> anyway.
> So, /use package.keywords/.
>> I also disagree on package.keywords since it's better to
>> test if emerge goes well and that module actually works
>> before making any static changes regarding keywords
>> or even USE- & FEATURES-flags for that matter.
> I disagree.  When testing it is better to minimize the changes you make to
> the system.  When using environment variables on the command-line, you
> change how portage looks at *every* package during the install.  If you
> modify package.use or package.keywords your changes are limited to that
> package only.
> So, *use package.keywords*.
> I suppose environment variable on the command-line could be useful for a
> -p
> (--pretend) emerge, but not very since for any real emerge you'd want to
> use package.{use,keywords} and the results will be different.
> FEATURES is different, because it always affects all packages (unless
> they've added a package.features I don't know about) so it is safe to
> specify on the command line.
> In short, you should always use package.{use,keywords} instead of the
> corresponding environment variable on the command-line for 4 simple
> reasons:
> 1. Changes are minimized. [single package vs. all packages]
> 2. Changes are publicized. [you can easily view the files]
> 3. Changes are persisted. [emerge -uD --newuse world picks up on them]
> 4. Changes are verified. [As a corallary to (1) and (2), you will know
> what
> packages you've changed and how]

Let's make it up to the users to decide if they wan't unstable or stable


No need for capsing, We all sure can read you anyway.....

> --
> Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
> ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


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