On Sun, 2005-03-06 at 17:37 +0100, Khan wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Linux network in my small home office + one windows 98 (don't ask
> why). That windows has to use it's own modem to connect to another modem
> and then use some primitive software for some calculation... etc.
> I would like to move that windows computer to another room and control
> it from my Gentoo Linux via some sort of remote desktop for Linux and
> Windows. Does that software exists?

Well, there's rdesktop on the windows side but that assumes you've got a
version of windows with Terminal Services. Which windows 98 can't use.

Only other thing I can think of is pc anywhere, but I dont' know if
there's a linux client.

If you had, say, win XP, this would be pretty easy.

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