On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 11:40 +0100, Karl Huysmans wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to do a terminal server with about 40 thin clients using
> Gentoo. All thin clients will be able to boot PXE, boot image(s) on
> one server. Clients will only connect to the server using XDM, desktop
> will be KDE.
> Questions:
> -Does anyone have experience?
> -Which is best, PXES, LTSP or just plain syslinux and use a minimal
> modified Gentoo install  for booting the thin clients?

At work we use pxes. We connect to a win 2003 terminal server, but the
only difference you'd have is you'd have it connect to X11/XDMCP etc,
and have set a gentoo system up with that. Most excellent.

> (I have already tried a few options, PXES complains about ram disk
> space while creating the initrd

That's odd. I defniately don't get that with 0.9. Over the time I've
been using this I have had some problems with it, but only on some
systems. Search bugzilla (http://bugs.gentoo.org/query.cgi , use
advanced it's better) for some of them. Many times I couldn't get a
whole lot done, as I couldn't find anyone else with the same issues. If
you run into them, PLEASE comment :)

> -Server hardware, have a dual Xeon 2.8 available, curently 2 GB of RAM
> is this enough?

That hardware is definately enough. With that many thin clients, you
will probably need more RAM, however.

> -Any advantage in using Gigabti ethernet for the clients?

Not really, though your network overall might move a little better with
a gigabit backbone (i.e. gigabit switch at the center, your other
100Mbps switch(es) connected to this. You definately would want the
server attached to the gigabit if you went this route).

> -Client hardware, anyone any experience with dedicated thin clients?

Most of our thin clients are old Dells, I think they are P3 350's or
400's with as little as 32MB RAM. 64MB is more common, simply because
it's rare to actually find a 32MB memory module. The trick is usually
the network card: It has to support PXE booting. Many do these days. You
have to go into the bios to check this out. When we run into one that
doesn't, we just throw a newer 3com in.

> -Audio ??? Any ideas?

I know pxes supports it, not sure what this means on the server side of
things. I have done printer routing, where the printers are connected to
the client over parallel or USB, and that works fine.

> Thanks for any help!

No problem! I hope it works out well, this methood has saved us
*THOUSANDS* of dollars, and probably a few thousand man-hours of BS
(compared to actual windows clients, in this case). It's truly a
wonderous system.

If you go with PXES, I strongly recommend using a linux machine for
DHCP. If you end up using machine-specific configs (you'll see later),
the easiest way is after you get the specific conf name
(CA01BLAHBLLAH.conf) , make a symlink to it with that systems more
common name. Makes finding configs a LOT easier. You can't do symlinks
if the TFTP server is a windows server ...

I deal with this stuff daily, shoot me a direct email if you want.

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