
>> Well: I've tried oss and alsa because I don't have any
>> other sound systems activated. Both work, but mplayer -ao
>> alsa some_file.avi imediatly kills the gnome-volume-control
>> ...
> I'm not familiar with Gnome in common or gnome-volume-control
> in detail, but maybe GVC is buggy or there have been changes
> in ALSA that make GVC incompatible.

Hmm, I don't think that my problems are caused due changes the alsa
drivers, as i did not change them before they started. But it is
possible that this has something to do with an upgrade of alsa-lib which
i made in connection with a world update.

>> > Then reinstall this package.
>> I've just upgraded to 2.6.11-gentoo-r5 und thus recompiled
>> my alsa drivers - without succes.
> You do not need the alsa-driver-package, because the drivers
> are now in the kernel. 

Maybe i should have said that more clearly, but by 'alsa drivers' i
menat the ones privided with the kernel ...

> But after the kernel update, did you
> also update alsa-lib and optionally - if installed -
> alsa-utils? I recommend to do so to avoid incompatibilities.

I'll try remerging those packages, allthough my problems are just the
same as before the kernel upgrade and the packages themselfs are up to
date - but who knows. I'll post the results of this experiment .

>  Best regards
>     ce
> «Wer Visionen hat, sollte zum Arzt gehen» (Helmut Schmidt)
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