Mark Knecht wrote:

>  Has anyone done this? Can you recommend some Linux apps that will
>make video capture and relatively simple movie editing easy for my 12
>year old? He's capturing XBox tricks and makes me boot my Gentoo
>laptop back into Win XP so that he can do the capture.
>  The DVC120 is visible to things like usbview but after that I don't
>know where to turn. I tried Kino but it seemed very 1394 specific. I
>had bad experiences with Cinelera on another platform and am not
>anxious to build that unless it's significantly improved.
>  I'm running a custom 2.6.9 kernel if it matters.
>  Thanks in advance for your help.
> mailing list
Search the internet, there are quite a few movie editing programs out
there that are open source and work with linux.

The biggest thing is if your capture card is supported by linux.
Generally the best support is for the conexant and bt848 chips. You have
to first find out if there is a driver for your card. Search for your
cards make and try to find out what chip it uses, then look for linux
drivers for said chip.

Once you have that Id reccommend a simple capture program to test it, if
it works then you can go on and use the editing packages. I have a bt848
chip and it captures everything jsut great (it captures at higher
resultions and with fewer dropped frames then on any M$ system i have used).

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