On 4/13/05, Lucien Dunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 1) TV tuner hardware. What are people using successfully today? We've
> > been looking at ADS Tech, preferably their USB 2.0 solutions to allow
> > moving the hardware around more easily if necessary. Has anyone had
> > any success with something like Instant TV USB? If not, what hardware
> > are you using? Hauppauge? Something else? What sort of quality are you
> > getting for both picture and sound?
> I have a hauggauge 250, quality is as good as regular cable.  I
> definitely suggest getting a card with an onboard mpeg encoder, though
> u'll want a cpu fast enough to reecode them to mpeg4 to save space.
> And fast enough to play live tv, which my P3 450 128mb doesn't quite
> accomplish.   If you plan on having multiple tuners, so u can
> watch/record more than a single show at a time, the hardware encoding
> is going to be an even bigger help.  Also with that u'll probably want
> to have a good storage set up to deal with all the concurrent reading
> and writing.
> If I were to buy again I'd probably go for the pvr350 and get the tv
> out and hardware mpeg decoder, its worth the little extra money in my
> opinon.
> Or you could look into the new VIA mini-itx boards that have mpeg
> decoders on them.  I've looked at them a little and they are
> attractive, but I'm unsure of the linux support for them.  If it does
> support them I might look at getting one.  Anyone know?
> I haven't heard great things about usb tv tuners, but I never looked
> very hard.
> > 2) What PRV app are you using? It seems from the forums that either
> > MythTV or Freevo are the preferred apps? Is that the case?
> >
> I use myth, it works fine for me, it has its issues, but mostly
> related to the computer being old and feeble.   Mythweb is great, I
> probably do more with it than directly through Myth.  While I have
> never tried any other software, I would definitely recommend myth.

Thanks Lucien. Good info. I think the 250 would be a good choice here.
In my case I'm doing this for my dad. He has an Athlon 2600+ with
loads of disk space. He also has an LCD monitor from Samsung with a
built in TV tuner so he can watch at his desk with that while
recording with the 250.

My main interest is getting a single channel onto disk, but a 350
might be very cool if this machine could record two programs at once.

I agree about the mpeg encoder in hardware. It's a must.


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