On Sat, 09 Apr 2005 13:06:43 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> But taking my example for a moment, let's say I use dnsmasq.  I need the
> original version of dnsmasq.conf if the new package installed says 
> there's a difference that needs human attention in order to truly 
> determine if human attention is needed.

The original file is installed as with a ._cfgNNN prefix. The patched
dispatch-conf, available from http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68618
has a pretend option. you could call this from a script to see which files
are waiting to be updated. Yes, there would be some work involved in
setting things up, but it would pay dividends in the long run...
especially if you make the system obtuse enough to guarantee your job
security :)

Neil Bothwick

Tact is the intelligence of the heart.

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