   In the last day I've managed to do a very nice conversion to Gentoo
of an existing home machine that was running FC2. The conversion was
almost totally painless and most important worked very well. This
conversion was done using the 2005.0 Universal CD and the instruction
book on it. I did not use the web at all during the first part of the
build. It was really great to sit on a machine with no network
connection and have everything I needed to do a really efficient

   So, a BIG THANKS to all the developers and those who participate on
this list and in the forums. The info you provide is really great!

   This conversion built 360 packages. There was only one package that
didn't build (apmd) and there was already a bug reported on that. The
only thing that could have gone a bit smoother was better support for
a ndiswrapper wireless install. (In my case a /etc/init.d/net.wlan0
file would have pretty much done the trick.)

   Also the flexibility of the Gentoo install allowed me to use the
existing grub setup making the machine dual boot from the get go.
After Gentoo has been stable for a few days we'll get rid of the FC2
partitions but for now it's great to have them.

   Having done Gentoo installations a few time (10-15 maybe) I must
say I really like the process. The only thing that struck me this time
was the need to build a kernel before having installed grub and
rebooted. I think I would have preferred to just boot the binary
kernel that the CD was using and then only build my real kernel once
but I wasn't sure what to grab to make that work. This way I build -r3
and then pretty much immediately threw it away and built -r6. A small
complaint indeed.

   So, again, a big thanks to you guy who make this possible. Really cool work.


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