Hi All,

        I just installed Gentoo-2005.0 into vmware. Had to do it 2 times
because the 1st time I used scsi disks and the kernel couldn't find the
partition. (I guess this is because I didn't compile the BusLogic Scsi
card directly into the kernel and kept it as a module; not to mention me
being lazy to want to make a initrd :-)

Anyway, after the install, I removed /usr/portage and exported my
laptop's portage tree via nfs instead and I've got the size of a default
install to 900MB. (isn't this a bit huge??) But for some reason, the
virtual disks in VMware is like 2GB in size. I know there'a way to
shrink it, and after looking at vmware's docs, it seems its only
applicable for Window Hosts/Guests(?). 

Is there a way to do it under VMware? 

Another thing, what's the performance difference with running as scsi
disks vs running ide disks? (this laptop(D600+1.4Ghz Centrino) has 512MB
ram with 200MB reserved for vmware. If I upgraded to 1.2GB RAM and gave
512 to Vmware, would there be better performance? I noticed that running
vmware gets my CPU usage averaging >80% all the time)

PS : Currently mounting a smbfs partition and then doing

tar -cf /mnt/smbfs/gentoo.tar.gz /

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! 
Neuromancer 09:49:55 up 20:06, 6 users, load average: 6.08, 2.95, 2.08 

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