Please be kind to the Gentoo folks.  They have sold ad space, placed the
add that the sponsor wanted them to and linked it to the site that the
sponsor wanted them to.  The Gentoo folks have done everything right so
that they can collect some money to help run the site.  If you want to
complain (and slashdot's full) then tell the people at  I'm sure
they vetted it for p0rn, scams, and ability to pay;  they are too busy
doing things that help Gentoo to babysit irresponsible advertisers.

I'd like to thank everyone at Gentoo for a great product and a great web

Best Regards,

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 15:02 +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
> Now I don't mind a strip of ads down the page on the gentoo web server,
> but when I click on the one that says "No BS Dedicated Gentoo Linux Servers 
> from" and get a page that says :
> "The server special has ended. Please check back in the next few
> weeks for information on our next special or sign up to be notified & be
> first in line. 
> If you want more information about our previous offer, you can see it here.
> Thanks for your interest,
> The Team"
> it just annoys me. Its has been like that for at least a few weeks, it
> doesn't inspire me to use, it doesn't instill me with confidence
> in the people who actually vet these ads and put them on gentoo's front
> page.
> -- 
> Nick Rout

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