
If it's anything worth let me share my FS experiences. As a home user I
tried EXT2/3, XFS and Reiser. Switched completly from EXT3 to XFS a
couple of months ago for better performance. Survived a power fail
without a single problem. In the contrary I failed two times running
Reiser 3.6. In both cases the system ran fine for a couple of days and
than kaboom! Turned my machine on in the morning and the Reiser
partition was gone - without any change to recover. No logs - no

For my business clients I strictly use EXT2/3 without any trouble for 2
years now.

I really don't think there is a killer argument for or against a specfic
FS. In theory they all have their strengths and weaknesses but in real
life you have to make your own mistakes I guess ;-)



Am Montag, den 18.04.2005, 16:23 +0000 schrieb Raphael Melo de Oliveira
Bastos Sales:
> Strange how Jarry is quiet about all this...
> Anyway, I've been using reiser for a long time, I had a small server
> for some things of mine (CVS, Apache, etc) running with it. It
> survived some intense eletrical storms and it didn't lose data for the
> 6 months it was up (Processor "fried", so I had to shut it down ;) ).
> I kinda avoid ext(2|3) for pure prejudice. Don't have anything to
> complain about them, but when I migrated from Mandrake, I left behind
> everything that had anything to do with RPM distros*. Since they use
> ext3 as default FS, I changed that too. Since I got used to reiser, I
> never got back.
> So, basically, ext(2|3) are good and reliable, but, in my experience,
> so is reiserfs, and reiser is faster. Never used XFS, but from the
> previous comments, it seems to be very good in a very controlled
> enviroment (power backups, independent generator, no-breaks, etc) and
> for large files.
> It is a matter of compromise. What is the main purpose of your server?
> * - Don't ask me why, just started hating the damn thing...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Heinz Sporn

SPORN it-freelancing

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