Orginally I was cleaning ccache since my emerge runs under root and root's home directory is on a small partition. Taking your input I've decided to just set ccache size and not use my script to clean it.

Cleaning all distfiles was a decision I made on having high speed downloads.
Considering your problem of slow downloads, I have changed the script
to remove files that have been on the system after 30 number of days.
Adjust the number of days based on your needs.

#!/bin/bash # # File: # Version: 20050421 # Author: Kirk Schneider # About: script to handle Gentoo portage updates # TIMESTAMP=`find /usr/portage/metadata/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime 0` if [ -z "${TIMESTAMP}" ]; then find /usr/portage/distfiles/ -type f -ctime +30 -exec rm {} \; rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/* if [ -n "${RSYNC_PROXY}" ]; then /usr/bin/emerge --sync elif [ -n "${http_proxy}" ]; then /usr/sbin/emerge-webrsync elif [ -n "${ftp_proxy}" ]; then /usr/sbin/emerge-webrsync else /usr/bin/emerge --sync fi /usr/sbin/fixpackages fi /usr/bin/emerge --ask --deep --newuse --update --verbose world

-- Kirk Schneider

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] 100% disk full again
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 13:55:52 +1200
From: Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:40:46 -0500 Kirk Schneider wrote:

> Corrected script, suggest using with >portage-2.0.51.
> Here's a script I have to handle running the updates.
> If the portage hasn't been synced that day, it will clean out
> the ccache files

why do you clean ccache, doesn't that defeat the purpose of ccache?

>and distfiles, >

why do you clean out distfiles? what if a new r version of a package
comes out that uses the same source files? some of us don't have
unlimited bandwidth or big pipes.

>then sync portage.
> Last line runs emerge to start updating the all the packages.
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