On 4/30/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/30/05, Michael Haan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > c) I subscribe to HBO, but HBO doesn't seem to come over 1394.  Is
> > that in accordance with the FCC, or does Comcast owe me that via 1394
> > as well?
> Legally I think it will depend on whether the 1394 client correctly
> follows the 5C Digital Encryption specs. I suspect that the Linux-1394
> stack has none of that. There could actually be a few reasons why it
> might never be able to. One is that the signal path post encryption
> removal is not supposed to be recordable, or at least not in an
> unlimited manner unless HBO marks the material as copyable. I suspect
> they don't and we don't and so nothing happens.
> It might be interesting to see if anything is reported in dmesg or
> elsewhere. I suspect it isn't but I don't have equipment to look at
> that.
> Cheers,
> Mark

I don't see anything other than:
ohci1394: fw-host0: IR DMA error - OHCI error code 0x1d

Which I presume is from when I was recording.

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