On Wednesday 11 May 2005 10:44 am, Richard Fish wrote:
> James wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >OpenOffice 2.0 looks significantly enhanced. Does anybody have
> >a guestimate or insight as to when it will be available, via
> >emerge?
> >
> >Has anybody compiled OO 2.0 directly? If so what are your
> >results and is it stable?
> I never got it to compile, but I have been using the binary builds with
> no real problems.
> If you want to emerge, you can try:
> #echo "app-office/openoffice-bin ~x86" >>/etc/portage/package.keywords
> #emerge -p openoffice-bin
> You should see version 1.9.95 or so.  If so, go ahead and emerge it.
The binary ebuild I gt from "soemwhere" is 1.9.97


Michael W. Holdeman

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