Zeno Davatz wrote:

>I'm trying to set up a new server with 2*200GB HD's, 2*Intel Xeon 3.4
>GHz and an Intel SE7520BD2 Motherboard (SATA).
>I can boot perfectly fine from my Gentoo 2005.0 - minimal-install CD.
>The system is up and running except when I want to boot from the
>harddisk (root=/dev/sda3 boot=/dev/sda1, both on jfs). I can proof
>that by mounting the new system when I boot from CD and do a chroot.
>I even tried by compiling the kernel with the /proc/config.gz from the
>above CD. Same result as in the subject line:
>Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3)
>Yes, I did run lilo -v and that went smoothly; and I do get the Lilo
>manager in the beginning, but after that and some messages: Kernel
>I'm on from kernel.org
>Any help is greatly appreciated.

You will need to compile the drivers for your SATA (I assume)
controller, SCSI, and SCSI disk support into your kernel, not as
modules.  Same for JFS.


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