Calvin Spealman wrote:

>>Simply put, the list just works.  And it works because we have all agreed on
>>how we're going to make it work.  If you want to be part of the process and
>>want to live under the established standard that we're all happy with, fine
>>and welcome.
>So you say both follow normal channels to get the standard changes,
>and live with them as they are like everyone else does.. Which is it?
>Pick one. No, don't. I don't like the one I think you would pick.

No, it's saying that you follow accepted convention until such a time
that convention is changed through appropriate means.  For example, in a
governing body such as the Senate, you can motion for a change in
standard procedure, but until the motion is voted on, approved by the
majority and becomes accepted as the new standard procedure, you are
still obliged to follow the old one.

Moreover, when functioning as a part of a group, you should function in
a way that is agreed upon by the majority.  You may believe that your
way is better or more efficient, but no matter how innovative you feel
your ideas are (and you may very well have innovative ideas), if you
work against the grain of the majority, you do nothing more than upset
the group and ultimately make the group less efficient.

In short, it's a matter of etiquette.  Yes, etiquette changes with time,
but it's a gradual change that moves with the tide of the majority, not
a sudden shift in behavior by an individual or by a select few.

Disclaimer: no disrespect is intended.  Just throwing my 2 cents in :)

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