On May 15, 2005 02:28 pm Aaron E. Klemm was like:
> I'm having this problem as well. Anyone know what's the deal with apr?
> Thanks!

I unmerged apr and the new release of apache merged properly and started up 
OK.  Trouble is that php no longer works.  Might, for all I know, have been a 
mistake I made in etc-update rather than an apr thing as such, but I don't 
know what apr does exactly so I couldn't say for certain.  I tried remerging 
mod_php, but that borks now with a "No safe MPM installed." error.

Robert Persson
YahooMess:ireneshusband AIM:shamanicpolice

"Don't use nuclear weapons to troubleshoot faults."
(US Air Force Instruction 91-111, 1 Oct 1997)

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