Thanks everybody for reply to my message.
Now I'm beginning to understand.


On 5/23/05, askar ... <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear everybody!
> I have one topic to discuss.
> I'm not native speaker in english, but I will try.
> My first linux was Debian. I began using it in 1999 in fall, just
> because my senior course mate was using it. After that for me it was
> interesting to install several distros: Mandrake, Miracle, Turbo,
> Vine, Red Hat, Suse, Slackware. I didn't use them for a long time - I
> just installed them for fun, but trying to find my own distro. Before
> Gentoo, I used to think that Debian is better (not the best - because
> I'm not good at linux to say which is the best) than other distros.
> One year ago I tried gentoo and I feeled that maybe this is what I was
> looking for. Even know I use gentoo at home. I don't use linux at work
> - linux is my hobby. In the mean time I still try other distros to see
> how do they look like, but not so often as before. Saying again, I
> don't have strong knowledge to say which is the best linux for me, so
> I estimate the best linux for my only basing on the easy-to-use
> distro. Of course, this is a matter of taste, any person has his own
> favorite distro. In gentoo I liked the portage and emerge concept,
> that I can build my own system and make it for my hardware (if I
> install from stage 1). But, on the other hand emerge does for us
> installations, compilations, dependency checks, etc - we do not
> compile by hand. If I'm not wrong we can put Gentoo, Slackware and LFS
> distros on the same line - I mean they're all source based distros. As
> far as I know Slackware there is no emerge-like tools - I have to do
> everything manually. Here at
> written about
> Slackware "...if you need help with your Linux box, find a Slackware
> user. A Slackware user is more likely to fix the problem than a user
> familiar with any other distribution...". Is it true? This is one
> question. Also, it seems most of current gentoo users had experience
> with other distro, so they have rich experience in linux, and this
> help them to solve linux-generic problems. In my case, I would like to
> learn linux as deep as possible. Is it ok if I use emerge-like,
> apt-get-like comfortable tools? That was my second question. What you
> recommend for those, who would like to learn linux from fundamentals?
> In order to do so, I think, learner has to do everything manually. I
> haven't installed LFS distro before, so I don't know is it like
> Slackware or not, but as the name says, this is "linux from sratch",
> like gentoo...
> I think, answers to this thread will be interesting not only for me,
> but also for many ML participants.
> Thanks in advance.
> askar

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