..At some point along the way, I found that my sound no longer worked after a 
suspend on my ThinkPad T30. Running /etc/init.d/alsasound restart fixes all 
this nicely and I've automated this to occur after resume. 

Restarting alsa, however, causes amaroK to stop running, which makes me 
restart it after each resume.  As I do this quite often, I'd really like to 
automate this as well.  However, as root is the user that runs all of the 
scripts in /etc/apm/, simply starting/stopping amarok with apm does not work 
too well..I don't want amarok running as root, and looking in /root for it's 
configuration file. I'd like it to run as myself.  Unfortunately, changing 
amarok to run as `setuid user' doesn't work, reporting that the KDE libraries 
were not built to run setuid. :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] shaw 86]% ll `which amarok`
-rwsr-sr-x  1 shaw users 32012 May 16 19:50 /usr/kde/3.3/bin/amarok
[EMAIL PROTECTED] shaw 87]% !$
`which amarok`
QSettings: error creating /root/.qt
amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
QSettings: error creating /root/.qt
The KDE libraries are not designed to run with suid privileges.

So this doesn't work either.  Perhaps I should go back and figure out why I 
need to restart alsa.  Assuming I fail this, as I haven't been successful so 
far, can any of you wise gentooers think of an automated way for me to start 
amarok as a user coming back from resume?

Thanks once again,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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