Jakub Krajcovic wrote:
> Should i leave the SCSI disk out of raid/lvm, and install the system on
> it, with the user data going to the RAID on top of the 2 IDE disks? (i
> quite inclined to do this). Or, would it be OK to stick all of the 3
> disks into a RAID5?, (but i dont' really feel comfortable mixing ide and
> scsi disks into one cocktail...)

The latter won't work, as RAID5 needs all partitions to be approximately
the same size. You could possibly work around that with LVM, but I have
no experience with that.

My advice: make several RAID1 devices out of the two 250GB disks (a pair
of partitions for each /, /boot, /home, swap, whatever), install the
system, data and swap on the mirror, and save the 36GB for data that is
not critical enough to require a RAID. It's not that much space anyway
(compared to the 250GB).

Remember to connect the IDE disks to separate channels (i.e. not on the
same cable). That way, you won't lose both elements of a mirror if one
channel of the IDE controller fails.

-- Remy

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