--- Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I have two machines (my laptop and a Pundit-R)
> that both have
> S-Video outputs which I would like to run X over to
> do MythTV with
> talking to TVs. Both machines are ATI-based.
>    The Pundit-R is set up to use the S-Video output
> instead of a
> monitor and I get all text info from the boot
> sequence and login on my
> TV. I've emerged ati-drivers and am modprobing
> 'radeon' which results
> in the following getting loaded:
> myth11 root # lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> radeon                 75776  0
> drm                    60820  1 radeon
> agpgart                28968  1 drm
> myth11 root #
>    When I start X then X runs but the sync is wrong
> and the video is
> laid over on it's side and rolling. I tried all the
> Alt-Ctrl-PageUp
> settings but they all do this.
>    I'm unclear how to choose my monitor scan rates
> for a TV. Any and
> all clues really welcomed.
> Thanks,
> Mark

Maybe your resolution is not supported on the S-Video
output?  You would need to edit xorg.conf

Section "Screen"
        SubSection "Display"
                Modes    "640x480"


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