Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

>Am Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005 13:03 schrieb Tres Passer:
>>I've had Gtk-Perl installed before without issues (e.g. dvdrip was
>>running). Now I would like to install the newest one gtk-perl-0.7009-r1
>>and it dies with this [1]. At the end it wants a Mesa library - I didn't
>>have Mesa installed before and I don't want to install it now.
>>Is there anything else I can do (or is the error somewhere else)?
>had the same problem some days ago. I don't remember, how I found the 
>solution, but I symlinked /usr/lib/libMesaGL.so 
>to /usr/lib/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/libGL.so
>Now everythings is working again.
That did it! Thanks for the tip (although I don't really see the logic
behind it)!


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