Mark Knecht wrote:
> On 6/9/05, Remy Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Alternatively, you could setup syslog-ng to send the logs to another
>    I don't know about this. I seem to have gone backwards:
> 1) If I turn off syslog-ng then it seems that the drive never spinds
> up, so I guess at the root it's a syslog-ng issue.

That makes sense.

> 2) When I re-enabled syslog-ng it now started spinning up every 10
> minutes, where it used to spin up once an hour.

Is that with block_dump enabled? Then it is normal. Writes to the log
file by syslog-ng, for all the "WRITE" and "dirtied inode" entries will
be buffered, and flushed to disk every 600s (commit=600 in mount), i.e.
10 minutes.

If it's with block_dump disabled, then I don't know.

> I think I'd do jsut as well to put the log file on the MythTV backend
> machine and make it mountable as an NFS mount. That just means a bit
> of network traffic every 10 minutes, right? I'm planning on placing
> the major portion of portage on an NFS mount also so that the frontend
> box doesn't carry that file load and I only have to burden the net
> with 5 downloads a day. I guess my use of Gentoo has gotten large
> enough that I need to start doing stuff like that.

Logging over NFS is ok, but you could directly log to the syslog-ng
daemon of the backend machine. For this, you need to setup a destination
on your MythTV machine:

  destination backend { tcp(, 514); };

where you should replace by the IP address of the backend,
and use that destination instead of the current file destination, for

  log { source(src); destination(backend); };

On the backend, you need to add a "tcp" entry to the source directive:

source src {
        tcp(, 514);

Finally, you'll have to open your firewall to allow incoming connections
on the backend to port 514 (if you have a firewall on the backend). You
could also use UDP if it's more convenient for you.

-- Remy

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