> > I am using the alsa-dmix plugin since ages and have and
> > had always  the same problem:
> >
> > in alsamixer/kmix/kamix etc, I am not able to influence
> > the (pcm) volume anymore.
> >
> > Sure, I can chnge the 'master' but this does not help
> > much, when civclient is damaging my ears, and I would
> > like to listen to line-in.
> >
> > So, is there a way, to change the dmix-volume?
> >
> > Sure, xine does it, but again, this does not help me with
> > civclient, for example.

I'm not sure about this theory, but I guess that's it:

* DMIX doesn't sit on top of PCM, so adjusting PCM doesn't 
work for you

* Most applications with volume controls do it wrong. They 
control the PCM or the master volume of the soundcard. This 
is wrong. As soon as an application has an volume control, it 
should control its own volume, not PCM nor Master

So I fear you have less chance.

Best regards


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