Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> On 6/14/05, Zac Medico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
>>>I got Java 1.5 to install.  Now the nifty new tools (thanks for eix!)
>>>tell me that 1.5 is all I have.   Of course, when I look in /opt, I get
>>>a different impression of things.  Am I right in surmising that
>>>I have all those old versions, and I just need java-config to point
>>>to various places to get other things to happen?
>>Yes,  "java-config -L" will list every installed java vm.  The actual portage 
>>database for installed packages is located in /var/db/pkg.
> Great!
> Thanks one and all -- this is a good result.
> The best part is that under 1.5 a persistent problem I'd been having
> with Swing layout managers
> has gone away: now when I pack() a JFrame multiple times, I get a
> proper layout with no anomalous regions.  (Sample on request).
> To me, that's better than the rest of 1.5's features combined!
> ++ kevin

I like the new metal look and feel much better than the old one.  Now when I 
see the old one it almost makes me gag :-).

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