Tony Davison wrote:
> On Friday 17 June 2005 10:58, Paul wrote:
>>On Thursday 16 Jun 2005 19:45, Zac Medico wrote:
>>>>>revdep-rebuild is irrelevant to ooo-bin, and others, because you
>>>>>cannot rebuild a binary package. All it does is reinstall the
>>>>>same binary, not build a new one.
>>I just thought I would let you know what I've done to resolve this
>>problem. I have emerged gentoolkit-0.2.1_pre3 and made an entry in my
>>make.conf of SEARCH_DIRS_MASK="/opt".
>>I then ran revdep-rebuild and all ran without any open office errors.
> I may be misreading this thread but I just package mask the binaries I 
> use as in OOo 1.9 whatever and the same for the mozilla family. Using 
> gentoolkit-0.2.1_pre3 revdep-rebuild doesn't complain at all

I've been happily using the SEARCH_DIRS_MASK feature since before 
gentoolkit-0.2.1_pre3 was released (using the version from Bugzilla).  I don't 
follow that part about "package mask the binaries".  Can you explain?

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