   As A. Khattri pointed out Linux-Sound.org is a good place to start,
but it can be quite overwhelming. While I'd not suggest a Gentoo-User
look at the distro too much, there is an off-shoot of Redhat/Fedora
called PlanetCCRMA. It has an audio optimized, low-latency kernel (why
doesn't Gentoo have this?) and lots of apps prebuilt for audio folks.
I point it out since the website has a very nice list of exactly the
sort of apps you are looking for:


Pretty much all the apps are available through portage - just not the kernel.

   As for me I've been, until just two weeks ago, a long time Pro
Tools user. I just sold all my DigiDesign equipment and am working for
the foreseeable future with Ardour:


I use RME sound cards (HDSP 9652 and Hammerfall's) with external
A/D's, D/A's and other things. I do a moderate amount of host based
processing (reverbs, compressors, limiters, gates, EQ's, etc.) under
Linux. I don't tend to use too many synths but I do use samplers.
Under Windows I use GigaStudio 3.0 and under Linux I use LinuxSampler.


I've been one if the main testers of LinuxSampler since probably more
than 3 years ago.

   Other project of immense value under Linux (IMO) are Jamin, Muse &

   Running under every bit of this is Jack-Audio-connection-Kit.
Without it none of this would work nearly so well.

   I'm probably forgetting many important things. Certain jack_fst for
running Windows VST in Jack using Wine is very cool. There are
probably 20 more.

   Hope this helps. Have fun and write if you'd like to talk.


On 6/17/05, Maxime Robert-Schreyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> [huge snip...]
> >(I'm neither a
> >programmer or IT person. I'm a guitar player using Linux for music,
> >email, web browsing and TV watching.) For someone like me it was a bit
> >trying for all the nice people here to teach me but the folks here are
> >like no others I've met on any list. Very, very, very helpful folks
> >who share a huge amount of knowledge in a completely open way. I've
> >learned a lot. I only screw up once a day now. ;-)
> >
> >- Mark
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Mark
> >
> >
> >
> Cheers. :-)
> I'm kind of both (guitar player and developer)
> Could you elaborate on the tools you use for music ?
> I've heard a huuuuge lot about cakewalk, protools, etc., but
> don't know _anything_ about mixing and so on.. myself, especialy, i haven't
> heard about any open source tool in that field.
> I'd like to record my(poor)self so I can learn.
> Thanks in advance,
> Maxime
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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