> OSS seems to be dead,


> ALSA is said by some to be dying,

Certainly not :) .

> ARTS looks like a do-(almost)-everything, but a few lacks,

Arts is dying. Forget about it.

> DMIX looks like 'almost there, with limits',

This is softwaremixing for ALSA, but if you do want pro audio 
work, forget about it.

> JACK is a playback(?) enhancer for 1+ of the above,

JACK is an audio server for pro audio work. If you want to do 
pro audio work, install JACK and qjackctl (both available in 
the gentoo repository, but try more recent packages).

> SKYPE looks like a record tool.

Skype is a proprietary VIOP solution.


> What I need to know is what works-//collides-with what, and
> the features/abilities of each, so I can decide what I will
> need, and maybe not fiddle-faddle too much with
> installing-&-testing-&-removing-&-... to have it right.

If you know what you're doing, nothing will conflict. The art 
is to understand all systems and combine them.

See sysexxer.sf.net for some introdicing videos.

> What are the features & abibities of each of the above,
> generaly & specifically?   More to the point, could you
> please point me to the best places/docos to find all this
> out for myself? Maybe the home pages &/or other
> -definitive- sites? And for any other softwares that you
> feel I should know about!

If you want to use linux as an audio machine (as a musician), 
then visit


and subscribe to the users list.

> Environment: Shuttle AN35N/nForce2/400/ultra/MCP mobo, AMD
> XP 2700+, 1GB, 200GB (plus removables), ATI AIW9600 dually,
> CL SB Live! in PCI slot, kernel is basically the 2004.3 /
> 2.6.11-r4 install with PickledOnion for now -- will
> probably not do over one or two general updates a year, and
> not too many selected updates; if it works so that I can
> work & play, leave it alone! (in computers for last ~~22
> years).

Best regards


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