
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 08:53:43 -0400
fire-eyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've run into a strange ethereal error. I use system A to log into
> system B, via ssh -Y, then run ethereal from there. It shows up on
> system A.
> This has worked fine for a while, but now as you'll see in the
> screenshot, the buttons along the top are missing their graphics, and
> where you usually have IP's and hostnames in the black area, and lines
> connecting them, well, it's hard to describe.
> http://fire-eyes.org/gal/view_photo.php?full=1&set_albumName=screenshots&id=etherape_error_01

Well, it's "forbidden" for me (not the php, but the actual image).

Anyway, guessing from your description: do you have a pseudocolor
visual on A? You may want to try changing to TrueColor. It's configured
by the "Visual" directive in the Display section of your xorg.conf. In
all other cases colors will be mapped, which can go wrong. But
PseudoColor is usually used on 8 bit color only...

Also, you may want to check the RgbPath in the Files section.

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