sounds like NFS packets are being dropped. Are you using UDP?

Try using TCP...

On Sun, 19 Jun 2005, Andreas Karlsson wrote:

Hello all,

I am getting quite sick of my self and NFS. I?ve read many posts at, I?ve googled, I?ve tested and tested and tested... No help
could be found.

The problem is not unique as it seems.  I have an r/w speed against the
NFS-server going from ~200kb/sec to 2mb/sec. I can?t predict or find a cause
for the strange speed changes.

I have three computers set up:

Aquarius is my main work station (AMD XP 3200+, 1 gig ram)
Leo is my file server (AMD 1700+, 630 meg ram)
Aries is for TV-out (AMD 1700+, 512 meg ram)

All connected via a switched 100mbit network. All have 100mbit NICs.

Netperf is telling me this:
aquarius hermes # netperf -H leo
Recv   Send    Send
Socket Socket  Message  Elapsed
Size   Size    Size     Time     Throughput
bytes  bytes   bytes    secs.    10^6bits/sec

87380  16384  16384    10.00      89.61

And when I do the same from/to all others the results are quite the same. So,
no problem with the network.

Next up NFS.

I have now tried so many different combinations at my /etc/fstab that I don?t
know what is up and down: It currently looks like this:

aquarius hermes # cat /etc/fstab | grep nfs

leo:/home/files /home/hermes/philez nfs

I?ve tried rsize and wsize from 1024 up to 32768 (1 through 32 * 1024).  I?ve
tried it in combination with sync and async. Here I find async working best.

The file server (Leo) has a 120 gig HD with DMA enabled:

leo linux # hdparm -t /dev/hdc

Timing buffered disk reads:   88 MB in  3.02 seconds =  29.15 MB/sec

So there should not be a I/O related problem either.

I also run Samba on it, and when I am in Windows, filetransfers are as
expected on 100mbit network (haven?t even mesured them as they work fine).

Can anyone please give me any hints or advices on how to proceed with this

Best regards,
Andreas Karlsson

Bryan Whitehead

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