Richard Fish wrote:

> Christian Panten wrote:
>>first I have to say, that I post the same question in alt.os.linux.gentoo.
>>Sorry for cross posting. I hope anyone of you can help me solving my
>>problem. Thx.
>>I have bought a D-Link DWL-G650 108MBit PCMCIA-Wireless lan card. I have
>>an Acer Travelmate 524tx. I want to use this card to connect to a wireless
>>lan at home.
>>The card has an Atheros chipset. So I have installed the madwifi driver.
>>First I jave tried to connect to the wireless lan over WPA-PSK. I did not
>>connect. Then I have tried to connect to an open wireless lan. There I was
>>successful but the I can't send or receive any data.
>>A ping to the router returns the error message, that there are wrong data
> Strange...from the ping data, it looks like the card fails to return
> some bits at a fairly regular interval.
> However, there are the things I would try, in order of most-likely to
> least-likely to help!
> 1. Disable G mode on the access point/router to force 'B' mode
> connection.  Also, if possible, disable any 'turbo' mode options in the
> access point.  Basically, we are trying to remove any data rates above
> 11Mbps.

This does not work.

> 2. Try setting different channels on the access point.  To get a quickly
> updating status on signal stregth and quality, you can use a command like:
>     while sleep .5; do clear ; iwconfig ath0 ; done

I have done this experiment. On all stages I got a Link Quality of ~40/94
and a signal level of ~-50 dBm.

The ping does not work.

> 3. See if you get different results by pinging another host on the
> network.

At all hosts the result is the same: wrong data byte by ping.

> 4. Remove IPv6 support from the kernel..

I try this. But it needs some time to compile the kernel and the depended
projects like xorg-x11, qt, ssh, iputils, ...
I will give you the results later.

> I doubt this is actually a conflict between the cardbus bridge and the
> G650 though.  If that were the problem, I would expect lockups, lost
> interrupts, crashes, and so on.
> If this doesn't help, try browsing/searching/posting the madwifi-users
> list.  I searched for "packet loss" which is where I got the ideas on #1
> from.

The sourceforge website was down. I look at it later.

> Finally, you have my compliments for an excellent and thorough request
> for help!
> HTH.
> -Richard
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