C.Beamer wrote:

>Hello All,
>Yesterday, I started my first attempt at installing Gentoo.  This was a
>practice run on a test computer prior to installing on my regular computer.
>I let the kernel build run overnight and consequently was not able to
>finish the install before going to work today.  Everything was fine.  I
>did couple more steps as outlined in the Handbook when I was home at
>lunch.  I left the computer on because I wasn't finished the install and
>sometime this afternoon, there was a power blip and the computer
>rebooted.  Of course, my installation CD (Universal) was in the CD drive
>so, I'm back at the
>livecd root # prompt.
>How do I continue from where I left off or do I have to start all over
I would gather that you are in a pre-bootable stage?  Did you emerge
lilo or grub yet?  All you will need to do at this point then is to
mount your filesystems and then chroot like it says in the handbook. 
Then you should be ready to continue where you left off.

Noah Roberts
St. Martin's University
Information Technology Services

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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