Op dinsdag 28 juni 2005 14:52, schreef Tim Igoe:
> Holly Bostick wrote:
> > Tim Igoe schreef:
> >>Holly Bostick wrote:
> >>>Jan Callewaert schreef:
> >>>>Hi,
> >>>>if I watch the logs of postfix, I have different times in it.
> >
> > <snip double-received message>
> >
> >>>>Regards,
> >>>>
> >>>>Jan Callewaert
> >>>
> >>>A perhaps more important question is:
> >>>
> >>>Why am I receiving a second copy of this message 10 days after I
> >>>originally received it (and it's dated 10 days ago, too)?
> >>>
> >>>Am I the only one who received this (again) today (about 2 minutes ago,
> >>>14:26 CET)? If there is some kind of weirdness with my ISP (which would
> >>>likely be the case if I'm the only one who got this), I certainly want
> >>>to know about it-- and if Jan has some kind of weirdness on his (?)
> >>>servers, I guess he (?) would want to know about that, too.
> >>
> >>I just recieved this message twice today too - again dated 10 days in
> >>the past.
> >>
> >>Is it possible the main got stuck in a queue somewhere and have just
> >>'popped' out? :/
> >
> > I would think that that's exactly what happened-- the question I was
> > wondering about is: whose queue?
> >
> > The mail delivery queue of my ISP has now been eliminated (since you got
> > it too), leaving Jan's send queue, or the list server's queue.... I
> > think.
> The puzzling bit is to look at the times in the email header - they are
> all correct for if the message was delivered immediately but not. (even
> on my server which i know has the right time).
> Very odd.
> > Holly

I never had this problem. I relay my mail through postfix to the smtp server 
of my university, but since they like to play sometimes with it, it's 
possible that problem is there. The thing is, should I regard this as a 
problem of them, or is there something misconfigured on my system?


If it ain't broken, you just haven't looked hard enough. Fix it anyway.
                                                                -- Tom Peters

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