At Thu, 14 Jul 2005 16:58:42 +0100 Daniel Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jim Hatfield wrote:
>> BTW, what is the received wistom wrt building things into the
>> kernel or building them as modules? As well as the G400 I have
>> an Intel NIC and a VIA sound card, and this time round chose to
>> build them in, though before I built them as modules. I'm not 
>> clear as to the pros and cons.
> We are writing documentation on this at the moment. With manual configuration,
> build everything into the kernel unless you have a reason *not* to. Build ALSA
> (sound) as modules, since the ALSA utilities work better with modules.

*Very* interesting.  Please let us know when the documentation is
 available.  I have build everything into the kernel (including alsa)
 and so far it is working well, but I haven't stressed audio.  What
 problems should I be looking for and do you advise rebuilding the
 kernel with alsa as modules even if we don't experience trouble with
 everything built in?  (I should have said all but nvidia built in).

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