   what happens with the command

emerge --deep --update --newuse world

and what's in your world file? (/var/lib/portage/world)


On 7/17/05, Jeff Cranmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run a dual-boot linux system.  One is kernel 2.4 (in order to use
> Win4Lin 4) and the other is kernel 2.6
> I have an emerge problem with my 2.4 kernel.  After emerge sync, when I
> perform an emerge -up world, I do not see any packages requiring update.
> When I start checking individual packages, however, I find a lot of
> out-of-date software.
> Can anyone offer a suggestion as to why my 'world' portage group appears
> to be empty?
> The 2.6 install still works correctly and is up to date.
> Thanks
> Jeff
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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