James wrote:


/usr is the only partion I seem to have trouble filling up. After
poking around I've decided to 'prune' /usr/portage/distfiles.

Before automating this action, via crontab, I'm soliciting
any other, slicker/cooler/better method to auto prune

What I have done manually is:
EMOVING LARGE FILES IN /usr/protage/distfiles:
find ./ -size +100000 -exec ls -lag {} \; | less <lists large files> find ./ -size +100000 -print -exec rm {} \; <prints & removes large files>
find ./ -size +50000  -exec ls -lag {} \; | less
find ./ -size +50000  -print -exec rm {} \;
find ./ -size +20000  -exec ls -lag {} \; | less
find ./ -size +20000  -print -exec rm {} \;

REMOVING OLD FILES IN /usr/protage/distfiles:
find ./ -mtime +180 -exec ls -lag {} \; | less
find ./ -mtime +180 -print -exec rm {} \;

Running these commands manually caused the /usr/ dir to reduce from 88% full to 55% full.

Looking at the proposed lists of files to be removed, gave
me some confidence that it was OK to remove the files.
Suggestions as to better logic that I could integrate
into a script is welcome.

Before hacking these commands into a script, I'd be interested in comments and ideas....(a better mouse trap?) better logic, like progressively running the commands unti the disk space threshold is below 60% full or something.


Going by memory here, but think it's correct ;)
Check about FEATURES="... distclean ..." in your /etc/make.conf, IMHO this is a FEATURE which allows you to clean/erase the source files after an emerge. Or use /var to hold your portage-tree (make.conf&ln -s /usr/portage /var/portage ;) (i'm using this setup).
HTH. Rumen

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