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Date: Jul 18, 2005 10:17 AM
Subject: How to configure a Radeon 7500 PCI card...

I was trying to follow the guides and figure things out for myself but I have not been able to.  The guide (http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/ati-faq.xml) says that I need to use the DRI project because the closed source drivers do not work with my older card.  It also says that the x11-drm ebuild can be used or you can change the kernel option for the DRI modules.  When I try to emerge the x11-drm ebuild it says that 2.6.x kernels cannot use this ebuild.  2.6 kernel users have to set kernel options.  I have been looking around for the right options but I cannot find them.  Could someone point them out to me so I can get this working.  I am in the process of going to kernel 2.6.12-r4.  Thank you.

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