UGH. I did an "emerge -Davu world" yesterday on my notebook (Dell i8200),
and everything went fine. I did the etc-updates afterwards. I even stopped
X-windows and started again and it launched just fine. I worked the rest of
the day and halted as usual. Today when I turned on my notebook my startup
doesn't complete?!

I don't have networking (net.eth0 or net.ath0) on by default because for
whatever lame-ass reason, if there is no network available or plugged in,
Gentoo isn't smart enough (like RedHat or WindowsXP) to just continue on...
Anyways, the point being I can't ssh in.

The screen looks a bit different today too... I run frame-buffer 1600x1200,
so at the top is the normal colorized:

* Setting system clock to hardware clock [Local Time]...
[ OK ]

But then after that line, they look like this, but in only gray:

* Starting service hdparm
* Starting service pcmcia
                                                [ !! ]

* FAILED to start service pcmcia!
* Starting service keymaps
* Starting service bootmisc
Notice how they don't have the [ OK ] on the far right edge like all the
ones above this point, and they USED to be that way yesterday. The only
bracketted indicatiors are the [ !! ] ones and there are only a few: I8k
service, lisa service, and nntpd -- nothing that is critical to boot.

There are about 40 more lines of "* Starting/Service blah" and it gets all
the way down to:
* Service aumix started OK
* Service postfix started OK
* Service coldplug started OK
* Service shorewall started OK

Then that's it. No login prompt. If I switch VTs, I just have a blinking
cursor at the top.

I can only CTRL+ALT+DEL and that does a reboot.

My kernel is the same I've used for many months: 2.6.10-r6

I've gone into grub via the menu and taken off all kernel parameters not
needed to boot. Still no joy. I did notice that the [ !! ] is lined on the
far right of the screen. I'm guessing that's the 80 column point. I also
added 'single' to kernel boot string in grub, but that didn't help.

Looking through the services starting up, there is one called "* Starting
service rmnologin"

So. I'm fscked at the moment. Ideas?

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