On Thu July 21 2005 10:56 pm, Ow Mun Heng wrote:

> I would like to know what would be the best or most proper method for
> migrating a user database from flat files /etc/passwd etc on a Redhat
> System to a newly set up'ed gentoo box.
> Do I just copy and paste the relevent details into the Gentoo Box,
> (which most likely will work after I take into account the uid starts
> difference (1000 on gentoo and 500 on redhat).

I've been doing the same thing.  I've migrated two FC3 machines to Gentoo and 
have four to go.  I copied the "regular" users from the FC3 /etc/passwd 
and /etc/shadow and pasted them into Gentoo.  I did not copy any system 
users over.  I also set UID_MIN to 500 in /etc/login.defs.  Just make sure 
you don't already have any users on Gentoo over 500.

I haven't had any problems yet, but maybe someone else can tell if I've 
overlooked anything.

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