Try appending md=3,/dev/sdb3,/dev/sdc3 to the kernel command line

On 04/04/2010 01:45 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 16:07 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> The install is complete but it won't boot. grub finds the kernel
>> and starts booting but then I get the typical VFS file sync error as
>> the kernel starts looking for the install on /dev/md3. What I'm not
>> understanding is how does the boot process get the information
>> required to assemble the RAID device. 
> GRUB does not assemble raid.  That's why it only works with RAID1.
> By your own account, GRUB has succeeded, therefore GRUB is not the
> problem.
> The problem is the kernel
> The kernel assembles RAID by looking for partitions of with the Linux
> RAID partition type, finding out what kind of RAID they are, and
> assembling them (according to their RAID volume UUID).
> You apparently only have one RAID volume.  It's probably being assigned
> to /dev/md0, yet you are passing root=/dev/md3.. not sure why you are
> doing that.

      Xavier Parizet
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