On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 04:59:07PM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Is there a way to emerge, say, system, but omit one package in it?
> For example, I've already recompiled gcc 4.3.4 with itself... is there a
> way to now do something like:
> emerge system -gcc (where '-gcc' serves to tell portage to compile
> everything *but* gcc)?
> Its not a big deal, I'm just curious...
> -- 
> Charles

You can do something like:

emerge -pe world | sed -e "/^.ebuild/ ! d; s/.*] /=/; s/ .*//; " > list

... edit "list" and remove anything you don't want to reinstall ...

emerge -av1 `cat list`

the -1 (or  --oneshot), means that the packages won't be added to the world
file (they would normally because you are listing them all on the


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