Am 21.04.2010 00:07, schrieb Stroller:

> You emphasise how old the hardware is, but this really isn't a
> problem. As you say, one increasingly fears the death of a system
> which is getting so old, but I have two systems nearly as old running
> for years without hardware problems.

Yes, it does what it should do.

It's just that it gets more probable to have some strange and hidden
defects *maybe*.

But it would show other symptoms then, I assume.

> The questions I must ask are:
> - How uptodate is the Gentoo software? - Do you run updates
> regularly? - Did you run any shortly before this started occurring? -
> Have you run revdep-rebuild and stuff? - Does the system have
> sufficient swap?

swap should be OK:

# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         501        484         17          0         16        241
-/+ buffers/cache:        226        275
Swap:          494        288        205

OK, a bit more RAM wouldn't hurt here.
But I am compiling stuff right now.


ad updates:

I was rather defensive there, I have to admit ..
Just like "never touch a running system" ...

I updated the relevant pkgs like postfix, samba, clamav ... but there
are around 60 pkgs to update today.

Stuff like glibc, udev, pam .... I will apply them now step by step ...

revdep-rebuild was OK before, I had checked that after the last updates
a few days ago.

My first idea was to upgrade the kernel to maybe catch some relevant
fixes, that was about a week ago.

There was no specific update triggering this, in fact I hadn't touched
that box for weeks when the responsible man called me to tell me about
the new problems ...


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