On Sun, 2005-07-24 at 15:20 +0200, Richard Fish wrote:
> Jules Colding wrote:
> > Hmm... Among my USE flags is "nptlonly". Might that be a problem?
> >
> Well, nptlonly seems to work for a lot of people, so I don't think that 
> should be a problem.  I've only ever heard of it affecting old 
> binary-only software.

I am seeing random crashes of Evolution. The backtrace originates, as
far I know, always in libpthread, so maybe this nptlonly is a bad idea
after all?

> The only change I would be tempted to make to your USE flags would be to 
> add multilib, which would give you the ability to build/run both 32 and 
> 64-bit applications.  I don't see how this could fix your current 
> problems...but I did notice that Bob Sanders (one of the two WFM reports 
> on this thread) has this in his USE flags.  Of course he also doesn't 
> have nptlonly, or userlocales, so who knows...

Hmm... I am seeing "(-multilib)" when doing the emerge of gcc and
binutils, so multilib is disabled by my profile and shouldn't be enabled
manually, right?


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