On 05/11/2010 06:28 PM, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

...however, running another operating system just to
read exchange email/calendaring (work nonsense!) - might just as well
give up and run windows and outlook in a vm...

No!  Resist those temptations The Devil(TM) puts in your way.  Why would
you consider running Yet Another Windows vm when you could just as easily
run an ~x86 gentoo vm instead, and answer your own questions about the
latest versions of evolution?

My only interest here is whether I can advise the (very few) people I
know who depend on MS Exchange to switch to linux/gnome/evolution as a
reasonable alternative.  (I'm happy to say that I'm not one of those
people, but it's only my good luck that I'm not.)

How do you happen to know what recent versions of evolution have to offer
if you are not actually using them?

Come on now, you already know vbox very well, so how much time would it
cost you to do a binary vbox install of gentoo ~x86 to test evolution for
yourself, eh?

I'd really like to know the answer to your question about evolution, but
I have no way of testing it myself -- or I would be testing it right now.

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