On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Jonathan
<winelauncher.jonat...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Windows "works" for many people it does not make it the best OS or the only 
> one.
> In Ubuntu they went from oss to PulseAudio.
> I bet that 90% of Ubuntu users do not know that PulseAudio uses Alsa.

What it has to do with anthing? I'm not saying it "kinda works"; I'm
saying it works great. Much better than anything else I have tried.

> At the end of the day I want to pick a sound system and use it.
> I do not want one forced on me.

This is OpenSource; nobody is "forcing" you to anything. If you want
to you can take the code of ALSA, OSS4 or even PulseAudio and do
whatever you want with it.

But every major distribution and all the Linux based phones are going
with PulseAudio. And for a good reason: it works great. So it's not
being forced on anyone, but its going to be the default almost

Canek Peláez Valdés
Instituto de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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