yes it is, quickpkg is part of sys-apps/portage :-)

$ equery b /usr/sbin/quickpkg
* Searching for /usr/sbin/quickpkg ...
sys-apps/portage- (/usr/lib64/portage/bin/quickpkg)
sys-apps/portage- (/usr/sbin/quickpkg ->

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 6:37 AM, Dale <> wrote:

> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> On Samstag 22 Mai 2010, Dale wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think there is a way to do this but it's not sticking out at me on the
>>> emerge man page.  I'm doing a install and want to build a binary package
>>> from my running system and install it on the new install.  Basically, I
>>> don't want to recompile, I just want emerge to copy the correct files
>>> and make a tarball for me.
>>> I found the buildpkg option but that seems to compile it first then make
>>> a tarball.  Can I get it to skip the compile part?  Is that a option
>>> that portage has?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-)
>> quickpkg.
>> Which has been mentioned hundreds of times on this list alone.
> That's not portage but it will work just fine and is what I am looking for.
>  I just need to read the right man page next time.  ;-)
> Thanks much.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

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