
while installing a new system from ground up on my new harddisc
I came accross a silly problem:

I have setup X and slim as login manager. I installed openbox
(no kde/gnome) as session manager.

Slim starts...and: The keyboard and the mouse are not responding...

Same happens when I start plain X as root. Screen remains black
and I have to use the sysreq-keys to get my box back to normal...

The X-logfile shows as only Error, that the GLX-module could not be

I am using nvidia-drivers and reinstalled them as adviced but the
effect remains the same.

hald is running. fonts are installed (at least the default ones).

Also installed are:
x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev Generic Linux input driver
x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard Keyboard input driver
x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse X.Org driver for mouse input devices

eselect opengl set nvidia is done.

What is missing? Why dies this not work (my old system running on
the same hardware using the same setup in principle has no problem
at all with X/Openbox.

Why does X only half???

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Best regards,

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