On 06/05/2010 09:39 AM, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:


  this night dd copies the contents of my first
  1TB disk to my second 1TB disk (same Model).

  (dd if=/devsda of=/dev/sdb bs=4096)

  I want to verify, that the copy is identical.

  I tried (or: I am still trying) to checksum
  the first disk with

  whirlpooldeep /dev/sda

  whch seems to work but is DAMN slow (in relation
  to checksumming 1TB in whole).

  Is there any faster and reliable way to checksum
  whole paritions (not on "per file" base)???

  Thank you very much in advance for any help!

  Best regards,

Constructing a checksum means reading every byte off the partition. So it's slower as a copy to /dev/null, never faster (because the checksum calculation also needs time.)

So in order to determine whether it's really slow, compare the time needed to dd the whole partition to /dev/null to the time needed for checksumming it. Then post the times here and an expert might then tell whether this can be improved at all or not.

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