On 07/05/2010 12:24 AM, fe...@crowfix.com wrote:
I have two backup drives which use LVM partitions and groups.  I also
have LVM partitions and groups on my main system.

When I try even vgscan on the backup disks, I get weird errors.  Read
errors, can't find the vg groups, can't write ... sort of works for
reading, but I wasn't interested in exploring a bad mount, and I am
not about to actually try backing up to it and possibly trash what is
there, or potentially used to be :-O

What makes me nervous is that gentoo ~amd64 has twice before botched
an LVM upgrade and caused some tense times while I got it back in
shape.  When the system won't even boot properly without a proper LVM,
it can raise my pulse ... I would rather keep this working system
running even tho it won't let me mount my backup drives.

My current LVM version is sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.67-r2, merged on 16 June.
I rebooted on 26 June (2.6.34-gentoo-r1) and backed up last weekend no
problems.  Seems like something else must have changed since them.
These are the only sys-*/ ones which seem likely ...



I see that sys-apps/util-linux-2.18 has failed:

      Failed Patch: util-linux-ng-2.17.1-20100308.diff

I'm using all the same versions on my ~amd64 and having no problems.
I just re-merged util-linux without errors, so it's worrisome that the
patch fails.  Filesystem corruption?

Smells to me like hardware or even driver problems.  Did you just
recently update the kernel?  Are the backup drives in a different
enclosure or connected to a different controller?  Cable problems?
Flakey power supply?  Machine overheating?  Flakey memory?  Overclocking?

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